I have a daughter in Lgoogle.com, pub-2115235636283523, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0google.com, pub-2115235636283523, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0aw who knows how to give good gifts. She is such a fantastic gift giver that she will gift you with a present that you didn't even know yourself that you wanted, nor did you know that you needed it. I swear this girl is so good at gifting presents that, if there was a place called gift giving heaven, she would have already achieved nirvana. I received one of those glorious presents this past summer for my 52 birthday. My youngest son and daughter in law gifted me a membership to Ancestry.com. This very special gift opened up a whole new world for me. With my new ancestry membership in hand, I began a journey of self-discovery that would lead me to some faraway places and bring me into contact with some very interesting characters. I've always understood that I was a citizen of the good ole USA. I knew where I fit ...
Empath, Intuitive and Christian Spiritualist. Read my tales of spiritual encounters and paranormal adventures. I will take you aborad as I discover my ancestral roots. My blog will encompass all things spiritual, genealogical and paranormal. Sprinkled into the mix I will talk about living life as a legally blind person, my struggles with self-esteem, past abuse and recovery. My past does not define me but It did help to make me who I am today.