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I'm A Little Bit German, Who Knew?

I have a daughter in, pub-2115235636283523, DIRECT,, pub-2115235636283523, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0aw who knows how to give good gifts.  She is such a fantastic gift giver that she will gift you with a present that you didn't even know yourself that you wanted, nor did you know that you needed it. I swear this girl is so good at gifting presents that, if there was a place called gift giving heaven, she would have already achieved nirvana. I received one of those glorious presents this past summer for my 52 birthday.   My youngest son and daughter in law gifted me a membership to  This very special gift opened up a whole new world for me.  With my new ancestry membership in hand, I began a journey of self-discovery that would lead me to some faraway places and bring me into contact with some very interesting characters. I've always understood that I was a citizen of the good ole USA.  I knew where I fit ...


To quote one of my favorite song lyrics:   " Let 's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start " The Sound of Music and the Song "These Are a Few Of My Favorite Thing's" are true favorites of mine.   One of my personal favorite things is being a storyteller.   Let me weave a true but ghostly tale for you. It also happens to be the very beginning of my paranormal journey. I grew up in an old dilapidated farmhouse in the Midwestern state of Ohio, USA.    F airfield County was a farming community and our family lived upon a small corner of a larger working dairy farm owned by my father 's employer .   Our home was well over 150 years old.   Over the years, the original footprint of the home was changed to suit a growing family, a top floor and extra rooms were eventually added on to make a small three-bedroom home. My room was the only bedroom on the lower level.   A set of stairs that lead up to the secon...

Raymond Hill

Raymond Stanley Hill  was my maternal grandfather and my hero. I idolized this much beloved old fellow  Every time my Grandpa entered or left a room I could smell his signature scent.  It lingered in the air.  It was a odd mix of High Karate cologne, sweat, tobacco, and sawdust.  His skin was leather like and rough and his hands were hard and calloused. Grandpa had a firm handshake and his fingers were slightly yellowed from decades of smoking Salem Menthol cigarettes.   He was a beekeeper, gardener extraordinaire, farm hand, truck driver, paper mill retiree' and WWII Veteran.  Sargent first class, USA, Army  all the way.  Often times, I'd find my grandpa toiling away the day in his small woodshed that sat off to the side of  house that he shared with my Grandmother.  I would sit in their for what seemed like hours, just watching him.  He'd carefully measure, sand and piece together his beautiful wooden creation's. H...